Hermann Hesse’s Life and work

Hermann Hesse was born in Germany to Johannes Hesse and Marie Gundert on July 2, 1877. Hesse was not among the best student during his childhood. He study in many different school in hope of getting better, but it did went as expected.


1890-1892: Attends Rector Otto Bauer Goppingen, a preparatory Latin School, then he moved to studies theology at Seminar Maulbronn, a Cistercian monastery.

1892: Attempt suicide after bout of depression.

Finally his parents called him back to home in 1893. He cultivated a passion of reading in his grandfather’s library and for helping at his father’s publishing house.

1894-95: Works in the Claw Clock Factory as the apprentice to a mechanic.

1895:  Settles in Tubingen, where he works as apprentice to a book dealer at Heckenhauer’s bookstore.

1899: Move to Basel, Switzerland, to work in another bookshop; begins work on a history of German Romanticism, a major theme in much of his writing.

1904: Publishes Peter Camenzind and marries Maria Bernoulli.

1911: Travel for two months to Sumantra and Ceylon, but never to India, seeking spiritual enlightenment, but becomes disillusioned by poverty; moves back to Gaienhofen, then to Bern, Switzerland.

1914: Publishes Rosshalde. Also started working for German prisoners of war in Bern till World War -I ends.

1915: Publishes a series of popular short stories titled Knulp.


1916: Father dies; wife Maria Suffers a nervous disorder and is institutionalized in a sanatorium.

1916-17: Suffer from a nervous breakdown himself. Hesse undergoes psychoanalysis in a sanatorium near Lucerne with Josef B Lang.

1919: Publishes Demain under the pseudonym Emil Sinclair and took the voluntary exile in Montagnola in southern Switzerland.

1922: Publishes Siddhartha.

1923: Divorces Maria; Taken  Swiss citizenship.

1924: Marries Ruth Wenger in January.

1927: Publishes Steppenwolf ; divorce Ruth Wenger.

1930: Publishes Narcissusa and Goldmund.

1931: Marries Ninon Auslander Dolbin in Nov.

1943: Publishes The Glass Bead Game.

1946: Receives the Nobel Prize  in  Literature, primarily because of The Glass Bead Game.

1951: English edition of siddhartha published in translation by Hilda Rosner.

1962: Dies on August 9 of leukemia.

Herman hessse statue

This blog is inspired from the book Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse.